I've always enjoyed reading ever since I was young with a particular fondness for science fiction /fantasy (the nerd in me) and adventure. I have read Lord of the Rings (Tolkien), The Magician (Feist), I own every novel Wilbur Smith has written.
Living in the country in the 70s I never really discovered the movies proper until the 80s, hence didn't even know about Star Wars until years later....a late bloomer, I know. The quality of sci-fi film went downhill from the pinnacle that was Aliens in 1985 (with the exception of Terminator 2 in 1991). Around 1993 I was lamenting at the lack of even moderately good sci-fi/adventure movies. So I naively thought I could write a better story than those bozos in Hollywood.
Over time I came up with a story, read books on how to write a film script, character development, etc. It took me a very long time to write the first draft of my screenplay (yes, it is a sci-fi adventure). On and off for about 10 years, but I did it and I was quite happy with it (see excerpt below). I've made a few changes and done a few other things since but it's mainly a hobby for me.