Guardians of the Galaxy
Best Marvel movie ever! Even better than The Avengers, and that's saying something because I thought that was one of the best action films of all time. Maybe because it was fresh, new, and I'd never heard of these characters before, and it was well done.
I actually went in with high expectations which I don't usually do with a film like this, but came out smiling...way way impressed. Casting was great, acting was brilliant, except for Dave Bautista who was a bit stilted but what can you expect from an ex WWE wrestler, though it didn't bring down the film. Chris Pratt performed the comedy/action hero combination really well, Zoe Saldana was at her sexy green best, but the movie was almost stolen by the digital characters Groot (Vin Diesel) and Rocket (Bradley Cooper). Raccoons with big-ass weapons rule!
It never really took itself seriously and I laughed a hell of a lot more than I expected. I also have to admit, nearly had a tear or two at times when it was a little bit serious. Possibly the only fault I could find was the bad guy. A little one dimensional, but the other 99% of the film was amazing. Yes, it was heavy on special effects but mostly you didn't notice it, which is good.
No doubt a sequel is in the works...I can't wait!!
*Thoroughly Recommended